Junior 2s League General Info:
- Season Start Dates:
- Season End
- Open to males & females ages: U12 (Sept 1, 2012 to Dec 31 2013) & U13 ( Sept 1, 2011 to Dec 31 2012)
Must register as a TEAM of 2 females, 2 males or mixed team (1 female & 1 male)
- Teams will be TIERED and compete against similarly skilled teams (could be male, female or mixed teams).
- Recommended that you have up to 4 players listed on your roster (including subs) so your team does NOT default during the season. Teams are expected to attend each week of league play or use subs from their roster throughout the season.
- *Defaults (no shows) are not acceptable at any time - default fines are in full effect at all times*
- LITTLE-NO BEACH VOLLEYBALL EXPERIENCE REQUIRED but some volleyball experience and being able to serve OVER the net is necessary!
- Matches played at South Bear Creek Beach Courts
- Played in rain or shine
*All league rules will be explained to junior players on the first day*
LEAGUE RULES specific to Junior 2s:
- Teams only need 2 players for league matches but may choose to bring all players on roster (max 4) and rotate if they prefer
- Teams will play upto 3 matches between 4:15 - 6:00 PM
- Matches for Junior 2s will be 1 set to 25 points
- Top team in each tier will move up, bottom team will move down and 2 teams will stay each week
- Some additional rules may be modified based on skill level of players
- Only players are permitted to approach the score sheet and check schedules at the beach shed
- Only players on the court (not subs) keep score and call lines (no apps, video or score board is permitted)
- Parents & spectators are encouraged to cheer for good plays of both teams
- Parents & spectators are not permitted to coach during match play or time outs
Space is limited!